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In general apk file Relative Benchmark has rating is 7 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 357. Total number of five star reviews received 166. This app has been rated like bad by 84 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 10,000+ in google play store Relative Benchmark located in category Tools, with tags benchmark and has been developed by RelativeGames. You can visit their website http://www.facebook.com/relativegames or send relativegames7@gmail.com to them. Relative Benchmark can be installed on android devices with 4.1(Jelly Bean)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of Relative Benchmark and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of Relative Benchmark apk available on our site: 3.0.78, 3.0.77, 2.5.70. Last version of Relative Benchmark is 3.0.78 was uploaded 2017/19/11
Screenshots of Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
  • Relative Benchmark
Description of Relative Benchmark (from google play)

Relative Benchmark will test your mobile GPU to see if it is able to render a console-like game. The CPU capabilities won't matter at all, but will be considered in a future update. The benchmark consists of an animation filled with post processing effects like Depth of Field, God Rays, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and also features Smooth Shadows, Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering, real time Reflections and Refractions. The scene it renders has approximately 22 Milion polygons with about 1M polygons in view. The terrain shader uses 14 texture units to see how well your GPU handles multi texture fetches per pixel.

You can now view your GPUs OpenGL ES 2/3 Extensions (tapping an OES/EXT/NV extension links to its documentation page), anisotropic filtering and antialiasing values, pixel shader float precision, and OpenGL ES 3 capabilities (max uniform blocks, max texture array layers, max binary shader formats). Also, it's the only benchmark that can run at 4K resolution (3840x2160) if your GPU supports it.

Navigation inside the scene is now free, try it out ! (You can move by touching/dragging the left and right side of the screen)

Some of the features in the benchmark have levels (Low/Medium/High) whenever possible. Here's how they differ :
DOF - Low ( 7x7 kernel, ) High (15x15 kernel, effectively 4 times more operations)
Shadows - Low (1024x1024 shadow map with a smooth filter of 3x3 ) Med ( MaxTextureSize /2 with 5x5 kernel ) High ( MaxTextureSize with 7x7 kernel )
SSAO - Low ( 1/4 Res ) High ( 1/2 Res, 4x heavier on processing )
For comparison purposes always use the low setting for backwards compatibility with previous submitted scores.

- This benchmark now requires OpenGL ES 3.0

If you're seeing a much lower than expected performance, here are some general guidelines for improving overall performance in Android :
- turn off antiviruses (on low end devices it matters a lot)
- close all apps from the task manager (apps can run even if they are in the background)
- restart your device ( this forces most background apps and services to stop)
- let the device cool off if it feels hot (you don't need to shut it down for this, just leave it in sleep mode)
- then run Relative Benchmark

Version history Relative Benchmark
New in com.re3.benchmark 3.0.78
3.0 - New scene, new experience2.5.69 - fixes default resolution on newer devices2.4.68 - Reflections and Refractions now free !Unlock Features fixed ! (if it seems like it doesn't unlock from the first try, just restart the app! )2.4.64 - Fixes MotionBlur(Hight) + Antialiasing- Antialiasing resolve now works with Adreno 320 !2.4.63 - Antialiasing now works with depth effects on OpenGL ES 3.1+Now available for Windows 10 PCs and tablets : http://bit.ly/X5rx06
New in com.re3.benchmark 3.0.77
3.0 - New scene, new experience2.5.69 - fixes default resolution on newer devices2.4.68 - Reflections and Refractions now free !Unlock Features fixed ! (if it seems like it doesn't unlock from the first try, just restart the app! )2.4.64 - Fixes MotionBlur(Hight) + Antialiasing- Antialiasing resolve now works with Adreno 320 !2.4.63 - Antialiasing now works with depth effects on OpenGL ES 3.1+Now available for Windows 10 PCs and tablets : http://bit.ly/X5rx06
New in com.re3.benchmark 2.5.70
Now available for Windows 10 PCs and tablets : http://bit.ly/X5rx062.5.70 - fixes default resolution on newer devices2.4.68 - Reflections and Refractions now free !Unlock Features fixed ! (if it seems like it doesn't unlock from the first try, just restart the app! )2.4.64 - Fixes MotionBlur(Hight) + Antialiasing- Antialiasing resolve now works with Adreno 320 !2.4.63 - Antialiasing now works with depth effects on OpenGL ES 3.1+2.4.62 - New free feature : Motion Blur
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Apk com.re3.benchmark latest version 3.0.78


free 13.9 MB
for ARM8 ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86 mips mips64 devices
Android 4.3+
Other com.re3.benchmark APK versions for android 14
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